De Los Plantos Wiki
{{legend|background-color|caption|outline=outline color|border=css border}}
- background-color is passed to the css background-color property of the color box.
- The optional outline parameter is the color of the outline around the box.
- The optional border argument which overrides the outline argument and sets the css description (e.g.,
1px solid #aaa
) of the border that will be drawn around the box.
Use in text
{{legend|#ff2800|Asia|outline=#A2A9B1}} (#A2A9B1 is the wikitables border color.)
Full parameter list
{{legend | [legend box's colo(u)r] | [text following legend box] | outline = <!--colo(u)r of border around legend box--> | border = <!--use to specify custom CSS styling for border (overrides 'outline')--> | color = <!--colo(u)r of 'text'--> | size = <!--'text' font-size--> | text = <!--to place text inside the legend box--> }}
Shows a legend row with a colored box and a caption.
Paramètre | Description | Type | État | |
Color | 1 | The color for the legend entry, in any CSS format
| Ligne de texte | obligatoire |
Caption | 2 | Label for the legend entry
| Chaîne | suggéré |
CSS border style | border | CSS style for the legend entry's border | Chaîne | facultatif |
Entry outline | outline | CSS color for the outline of the legend entry
| Ligne de texte | facultatif |
Text in the entry | text | Text to be displayed in the legend entry box, i.e. within the color specified
| Ligne de texte | facultatif |
Text color | textcolor | CSS color of text inside the legend's colored box | Chaîne | facultatif |
size | size | Size of the legend entry | Chaîne | facultatif |